
“I have never found anything like your intelligence, professionalism, care and elegance in the very difficult job of translating!” Prof. Patrizia Lombardo, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva

“I worked with Victoria for an art exhibition catalogue at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Victoria did the translations from French to English. We were very happy with Victoria’s work, she was very subtle and with a perfect sense for the language. She worked independently yet was very receptive. I would be glad to recommend Victoria!” Linda Hinners, Sculpture Curator, Nationalmuseum Stockholm.

“J’ai retrouvé dans le texte toutes les nuances et intentions que nous y avions mis en français, c’est précieux.” Coraline Roch, producer, IMAGISSIME

“Merci pour tes traductions toujours parfaites et pointues.” Nona Robinson, writer

“Merci beaucoup pour cette traduction de voix off qui est tout à fait fidèle, c’est agréable et c’est rare!” François de Riberolles, documentary-maker and screenwriter

“Notre collaboration a été très enrichissante, votre acuité et votre professionnalisme ont été précieux, merci.” Mélanie Jouen, French copywriter

“C’est un travail d’orfèvre!” Florence Girard, curator, art historian and director of studies (audiovisual and multimedia)